
目前显示的是 六月, 2020的博文

What Is The Difference Between Open And Water-Cooled Box Chillers?

Water Chiller Machine For Factory  is mainly divided into two types: air-cooled chillers and water-cooled chillers, which are further subdivided. According to the structure, there are open chillers and sealed chillers. According to the compressor, there are screw chillers. Machine, scroll chiller, piston chiller, etc. So, what is the difference between an open chiller and a water-cooled box chiller? Let's take a look with the  Air Cooled Chiller Exporter . 1. Definition of terms: Open chillers and water-cooled box chillers belong to the series of water-cooled chillers. Open chillers are mainly composed of compressors, evaporators, condensers, electronic control systems, and freezing accessories. Water-cooled box chillers are composed of compressors, evaporators, condensers, water pumps, water tanks, electronic control systems, and freezing accessories. Therefore, it can be seen that the difference between the two is that the water-cooled tank chiller can have a built-in pump a

What are the advantages of the sludge dryer?

Sludge is very common in our daily life, which also promoted the birth of sludge dryer, whether it is industrial production or municipal construction, there will be a large number of sludge production. We should know that industrial sludge contains a lot of heavy metals, which, if not handled properly, can have a huge impact on the environment or human health. Before the popularization of sludge dryer, a lot of people will bury the industrial sludge, you should know that the industrial sludge moisture content is high, the smell is big, some chemical components in the sludge will kill the bacteria in the soil, thereby damaging the original structure of the soil, make the soil lose vitality; At the same time, the sewage in the industrial sludge will permeate into the underground, causing pollution to the groundwater. If the industrial sludge is placed in the open air, the harmful gases in the sludge will be released, not only causing pollution to the atmosphere, but also causing h

Recirculating Chiller

Recirculating chiller is an air-cooled water circulation device that does not need the cold water tower, (the cold water tower is easy to mix impurities, dust caused by the cooling water circulation loop blockage, resulting in cooling capacity decline). Recirculating chiller is a machine designed for the machine, scientific instrument, or production process that needs cooling water by compressor refrigeration. It has several advantages over the traditional pool cooling method. Recirculating chiller advantage 1. Save water 2. It can improve the production capacity of required cooling equipment and instruments, extend the service life, and improve product quality. 3. Anti-corrosion design can prevent the cooling water from blocking the pipeline for a long time. Characteristics of recirculating chiller 1, can make the poor impurity of the ring scene; 2. It is most suitable for areas with poor water quality, and can save other accessories for cold water tower;

How to Solve the Failure of Heating and Refrigeration Cycle System?

The user must know that the performance of the heating and cooling cycle system in the  Water Chiller Machine For Factory  is very important. Then, if the heating and cooling cycle system fails, it will cause the entire heating and cooling cycle system to fail to operate effectively. Therefore, if there is a failure, it needs to be timely Effective solution. How does the  Air-Cooled Do chiller Exporter  face the failure of the heating refrigeration cycle system? The heating and refrigeration cycle system unit cannot be started. It is necessary to check whether the heating and refrigeration cycle system unit has high pressure, whether there is a power failure, whether there is oil accumulation of excessive liquid in the body, whether the pressure relay alarm is not reset, and whether the unit is in the alarm state and not reset. Common faults include high oil temperature alarm, high exhaust pressure, motor overload alarm, etc. By checking the control cabinet (manual unit) or consol

The Main Difference Between Air-cooled Chillers and Water-cooled Chillers

First of all, we need to figure out what types of chillers are: general manufacturers will produce both water-cooled and air-cooled chillers. The air-cooled chiller contains an insulated water tank and a water pump in its body. No additional cooling water tower is needed to dissipate heat. It is very convenient to install and move. However, it requires a higher working environment. First, because it is based on hot air circulation Refrigerated, so if the ventilation effect of the installation workshop is not good, it will directly affect the cooling effect of the chiller. In addition, if you want to put the chiller in a dust-free workshop with humidity requirements, then I advise you to refit Water-cooled. Because the air-cooled chiller will emit water vapor on the top of the machine to dissipate heat. Water Cooled Chiller Machine  can be divided into open type, sealed type (some called box type) and screw type. First of all, it must be stated that water-cooled chillers must b