The Difference Between Condenser and Cooler

 Condenser and cooler are one of the important parts of the heat exchange process, and the utilization rate is very high. But everyone does not know the difference between the condenser and the cooler in the design, and how to prevent damage to the water-cooled chiller? Today the water-cooled chiller supplier will talk about this aspect.

There are three main differences between the condenser and the cooler in the design. The first is whether there is a phase change, the second is the difference in heat transfer coefficient, and the third is the series heat exchanger. Let's talk about these three points in turn.

1. With or without phase change

The condenser will condense the gas phase and transform it into a liquid phase. The cooling water of the cooler only cools, there is no phase change, just a pure temperature change; in addition, the cooling medium they use is also different. The purpose is also different. The cooler is used to cool the material without phase change. The condenser is used to cool and condense the gas phase with phase change.

2. The difference in heat transfer coefficient

Generally speaking, since the heat transfer film coefficient of the condensation process is much greater than that of the cooling process without phase change, the total heat transfer coefficient of the condenser is generally much larger than that of the simple cooling process, sometimes by an order of magnitude. Condensers are generally used to cool gas into the liquid. Condensers generally have a very hot shell. The concept of coolers is relatively broad. It mainly refers to a kind of heat exchange that converts the hot-cold medium to room temperature or a lower temperature. equipment.

3. Series heat exchanger

In addition, when two heat exchangers are connected in series, under the same mass flow rate, since the latent heat is much higher than the sensible heat, and the heat exchanger type is the same, the larger heat exchange area is the condenser, that is The larger one should be the condenser.

The condenser is a heat exchange device that condenses into a liquid material by absorbing the heat of the vaporous material. There is a phase change, and the change is quite obvious. The cooling medium can absorb heat directly or indirectly from the condensed medium, but there is no change in phase change. The cooler only reduces the temperature of the cooling medium without phase change. In the cooler, the cooling medium and the cooling medium are generally not in direct contact, and the heat is transferred by tube or jacket. In addition, the general cooler has a more complicated structure than the condenser.

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How to prevent damage to the water-cooled chiller?

There are many sources of vibration in the water-cooled chiller, and one or several of them may be the source of harmful vibration. The pulsation caused by reciprocating machinery (detailed description of the chemical vibrating screen) is one source of excitation; and some vibrations transmitted through supporting members or connecting pipes are another source of excitation. Because of these types of excitation root frequency Determined by the system, it is relatively predictable. The mechanism of fluid mechanics excitation is more difficult to predict.

Fluid flow excitation can be divided into two major types: that is, excited by the flow parallel to the axis of the tube (called longitudinal flow) and excited by the flow perpendicular to the tube axis (called lateral flow I). Transverse flow is generally called It can cause a large amplitude, which is very harmful to the water-cooled chiller tube.

1) Reduce the line speed of the shell side. When the Listing cannot be changed, the tube center distance or the shell diameter can be increased.

2) To increase the natural frequency of the pipe, the effective way is to shorten the maximum unsupported span of the pipe or change the pipe material to increase the wall thickness, but the effect is not as significant as method 1).

3) Changing the form of the baffle or using a baffle rod, the tube arrangement can also be changed under the premise of meeting the heat transfer and pressure drop.

4) When the pipe vibration occurs, the pipe diameter can be increased.



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