Portable Chillers VS Central Chillers
There are two types of chillers: portable chillers and central chillers. Next, the chiller supplier will share with you. Portable chillers Portable chillers typically have smaller capacities (30-40 tons or less), simpler overall designs, and lower installation costs. Equipped with casters, they are easy to move, easy to connect (using flexible hoses) and easy to start. Portable chillers are often optimized to provide a fixed amount of heat transfer capacity (in tons). They are ideal when a piece of process equipment requires a cooling stream at a significantly different temperature than the rest of the equipment. Typically, portable refrigerators operate most efficiently when the cooling load is closely matched to the rated capacity of the refrigerator. DC series small chillers use a DC power supply , using coolant as the heat transfer medium, transferring heat generated by other instruments or equipment that need to be cooled, and dissipating h...